Friday, October 8, 2010

Sri Sooryaji

        It sounds simple, but introducing Sooryaji is difficult, because he defies definition. He is neither a yoga teacher nor is he a guru in the conventional sense of the term. He doesn’t believe in having disciples, but seeks comrades. He does not demand devotion, but asks for faith. His love embraces all, like the sunlight, with an illumined freedom. Since childhood, he had a close affinity with nature and the sun fascinated him. As a teenager he studied Indian Scriptures, astrology, astronomy, ayurveda and yoga. He gave up his post graduation studies in philosophy, as he outgrew the rigidity of bookish knowledge and restrictions of religion and rituals. In search of universal truth and to understand the spirit of the ‘Absolute’, he spent years in the upper reaches of the Himalayas, meditating, imbibing knowledge from ageless enlightened souls and linking himself with the splendor of Mother Nature and eternity of the cosmos. He has come back to us with a mission-that is to propagate “Sooryayog”, for a healthy lifestyle-physically, mentally and spiritually. And with a vision-to establish sun on the earth! Here ‘Sun’ stands for a single unified Nation – where there will be one religion-that of love, one caste-humanity and one God-the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient-the ‘Absolute’. His words are not echoes of Scriptures but have the depth of unfathomable realization. His teaching are the outpouring of his inner awakening. They do not carry the burden of bigness but the fullness of well-being. In a relentless effort to take mankind back to nature, he has travelled far and wide, interacting with school children, college students, people from all walks of life, visited corporate houses, PSU’s, hospitals, jails, reform homes, addressed public gatherings, participated in fairs, talked to the print and electronic media… …..his efforts go on!!!

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